Sunday, July 6, 2008

Tour de France

YAY!!! The Tour de France started yesterday! My favorite time of year, three weeks of bike racing and a disrupted sleep pattern.

The Tour is like the Super Bowl, NBA finals, and the World Series all rolled into one for the Somerville family. For the last nine years I have been a dedicated fan watching it live, at 5:30 a.m. I suppose since Versus reruns the day's stage several times a day I could watch it during any of the re-airings throughout the day and have a good night's sleep, but that wouldn't be any fun! It would be like watching the big game after it was played and everyone knows who has won but you.

I got hooked in 1999 because my daughters are cyclist and I watched with them when Lance Armstrong won his first Tour, since then I haven't missed it once.

So you'll know where to find me at 5:30 a.m.!

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