Saturday, July 18, 2009

Ruby Walk

Ruby on Style Network is one of my favorite shows. When I heard Ruby would be in my area to do a walk I had to go! I'm so happy I did because I got support Ruby. She is sooo sweet and adorable!

The Ruby Walk was held at the Santa Monica Pier and the Style Network people were so great. The walk was free, they gave us tee shirts, kept us hydrated and made sure everyone had a moment to meet Ruby.

Ruby saying, "Hey and welcoming us to the walk."

All of Ruby's friends were there to support her. Here's Georgia.
The walk was relaxed and people could easily approach her to chat and say hi.

Ruby's dog was there too!
At the end of the pier I said hi to Ruby. She tanked me for coming and then gave me a hug and a kiss.
We got to do a little workout at the end of the pier. Ruby loves boxing!
The walk back up the pier.
Style Network set up a tent so we could all have the opportunity to greet Ruby. Again she is sooo sweet and adorable!
If you haven't seen her show or want to know where Ruby will be having her next walk, click on the link Ruby Style Network Support Ruby on her journey!

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