Sunday, June 7, 2015

Gardening is art, dirt is a blank canvas

Planning and designing took a long time, for me, it helps to draw the plans to help visualize the garden and where to place everything. I also started a Pinterest board for inspiration and an Excel spreadsheet to log the pants. If you are like me, I get overwhelmed when I go to the nursery. I want to buy everything, so I bring a shopping list to keep on track. It doesn't always work because an interesting plant always catches my eye. H & H Nursery in Lakewood is my favorite and I also frequent Armstrong Garden Center.

Now that the vegetable beds are in, there's always work to be done in the garden. I find there is never enough time to spend in the garden. Unfortunately, I have to work and the weekends are never enough time to spend in the garden, so I wake up early to send some time in the mornings before getting ready for work. I use to think watering was a chore, but now I enjoy it. I find it relaxing giving me the opportunity to admire my plants closely.

The beds are filling up!
 Kale, strawberries, onions and garlic
 5 or 6 differnt varieties of lettuse and 2 kinds of cabbage
Nasturtium & Black Berries

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