Fans lined the barriers to see the stars arrive
While waiting we saw the Watchmen bus drive by several times, a Star Tour bus you pay to ride in for a sightseeing tour of Hollywood.

We walked by the yellow carpet as the cast gave interviews to the press.

As we were waiting for the movie to begin we saw Clay Enos across the way so Maree and I went over to say hi. Clay introduced us to, I think, the art director to the film (sorry I can't remember his name). Clay told the man what loyal fans were were, Super Fans I think he called us. I don't know if it was Maree or me who said we're Watchwomen. They laughed, Clay said something like, "I like that!"
There were a lot of Watchmen fans around us who had gotten tickets through KROQ, a local radio station. A guy in front of me had all sorts of questions and was excited to see the film. We pointed out to the people around us the cast memebers, Dave Gibbons coauthor of Watchmen, Zack Snyder the director, and Tyler Bates who did the music. I guess my girlfriends and I were full of information.
After the movie we walked out to the lobby and I saw Jeffrey Dean Morgan. He was talking to a man with his back towards me. I waited a moment and when the guy began to walk away, I said, "Jeff!"
He turned and smiled. I said, "Hello, could you autograph my picture."
He said, "Sure."

Then Jeffrey autographed Maree's. A guy asked Jeffrey to sign his movie ticket. Jeffrey still had my Sharpie so I waited. Then more people asked for an autograph or to take a picture with him. Poor Jeffrey, he was swarmed, but he still had my Sharpie!
Finally someone began to lead Jeffrey away. He said, "Sorry guys I have to go." He looked around still holding my sharpie, I reached out, he smiled and handed it back to me.
Finally someone began to lead Jeffrey away. He said, "Sorry guys I have to go." He looked around still holding my sharpie, I reached out, he smiled and handed it back to me.
Maree and I made it to the yellow carpet, just outside the doors, where Lois found us. She hadn't gotten Jeffrey's autograph who was still near us, but greeting some people. We waited until he finished so Lois could ask for an autograph. I took a picture of them with my cell phone, but it didn't turn out good. Poor Jeffrey, he got swarmed again!
We saw Clay again who talked to us a while. The rest of our group found us so I introduced him to some of the girls who hadn't gone to Wondercon. My daughter, Loren, caught up to us, so I had the opportunity to introduce her to Clay as well. We wished him well and he said good night. What a sweetie!
We waited to see more of the cast. Slowly they made it out of the theater so we asked them to autograph our movie tickets. Carla Gugino, Billy Crudup, Patrick Wilson, Tyler Bates, and Zack Snyder! We got a chance to say how much we loved the movie to him personally! He's such a cool guy.
The crowd thinned out as the staff started ushering people out of the area. We were walking away when we saw Jackie Earle Haley. We asked a guard if we could go back towards his direction, he was nice enough to let us. Jackie was the best when we asked for his autograph, he said, "I'd love to." He took his time to autograph each of our movie tickets and even included his Rorschach insignia, so cool!

In the end it was a wonderful night, a fabulous ending to my four day Watchmen weekend!
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