The day was a typical for a hot Southern California summer, so we decided not to stand in the sun. We relaxed at Club Sushi, sipping drinks, and eating on the shady patio.
The Wild Bunch in line waiting to go inside the Cinerama Dome
We picked up a young man, Ben, who was in line alone. Ben agreed, we were the Wild Bunch!

Once inside the Cinerama Dome, we watched as the stars outside made their way across the red carpet through the windows. I love premieres at the Cinerama Dome. It's smaller, yes, but you miss seeing the red carpet experience if you are inside at Grauman's Chinese.
On our way to find our seats we spotted just about every member from the cast of Grey's Anatomy. Two handsome guys sat down next to me and I felt badly when I decided to make a trip to restroom. On the way back from the restroom the guy next to me teased me by saying I couldn't pass unless I said the secret pass word... I didn't know what to say and just smiled and said, "Pleeeesssseee?"
He laughed and let me pass. I noticed again what a cutie the guy was and the purple shirt he was wearing even in the dimly lit theater.
The lights flashed off and on so the room settled down waiting for the movie to begin. I turned and saw Gerard Butler find his seat about three or four rows behind us and to the left.
The movie was very raunchy, but laugh out loud funny. Even though it's a romantic comedy, I think it's one men can enjoy also.
After the movie we made our way up the isle. Stopped in the crowd of people, a woman near us yells, "Gerry do you have anymore gum?"
In the darkness I noticed how beautiful she was and the necklace she wore, a short choker length made up of multi strands of pearls.
In the row behind her, Gerry, short for Gerard, turns while looking in his pockets and says, "Sorry, no."
Still stuck behind the crowd moving up the isle, Gerard is now next to me, but with his back turned towards me because he is greeting someone.
Next thing I knew, Gerard is walking along making his way up the isle, I touched him on the arm, he turned and said, "Oh hello!"
He greeted me with a hug and a kiss. I think he asked me how I liked the movie, I told him I loved it, and then I introduced him to my friend Sandy. He shook Sandy's hand and they chatted while we walked up the isle with him and out to the lobby where we met up with the rest our group.
Gerard was generous, stopping to talk and take pictures with us in the lobby, he even introduced us to some of his friends as well as Mark Neveldine, one of the directors of him new movie, Gamer.

This is my most favorite photo of the night even though it's so bury. Gerard was getting ready to pose with Annette and Lynne, but his friend interrupted. Gerard turned, walked a few steps away, and spoke to his friend. We all looked at each other a little disappointed because we thought they had missed their opportunity. We all had the look of -- oh well at least they got to talk to Gerard. We couldn't move because a crowd had swelled around us following Gerard out the theater. Then all of a sudden Gerard turned and walked back to Annette and Lynne, pulled them close and asked, "Where were we girls?" He was already posing and leaning in! The look on Lynne's face -- PRICELESS! I think he's holding her up!

Megan, Gerard, and me
There were 3 cameras pointed at Maree and Gerard, this was the best picture, but they were looking at different cameras.
We had more pictures, but unfortunately they turned out terrible, taken with our cell phones and the bad lighting. We never know if we are allowed to bring cameras inside the theater, so we left them in the car. I was so disappointed when I saw people with cameras, oh well next time!
The premiere was great, Gerard, wonderful as always. I had opportunity to tell him, "I don't know how you do it, everyone yelling your name, it's crazy! Thank you so much, you're wonderful to take the time with us."
He shrugged. "I know, it's crazy." He grinned and gave me a hug.
Still smiling!
PS A few days later my friend Sandy emailed to tell me I have to watch a video from the Red Carpet because the guy sitting next to me during the movie is in it! LOL! The guy sitting next was Rocco DiSpirito! And he was in the film, he plays the chef in the movie! LOL!
Also, after watching the Red Carpet video, I realized who the woman was asking Gerard for gum, Katherine Heigl! I know -- Duh! But to be fair, the house lights were still off and her hair was dyed brown!