The Color Guard
The program was wonderful. The main speaker, Major General James W. Comstock, gave a very poignant speech, especially when he said the reason why we have the freedom of speech, freedom to protest, and even the freedom to burn the flag is because of the men and women who have died fighting for our freedom.
WWII planes flew overhead
There a few guests, actors and a writer, who read "Letters from the Front". Each one read letters from soldiers from the Civil War to the present. (Robert Davi, Robert Forster, David Horowitz, Lee Purcell, and Jon Voight). I have to say, none of the actors were acting while reading the letters, everyone tearfully. There wasn't a dry eye in the place when Robert Davi read the last letter from a soldier in Iraq who had written the letter to his sweetheart with the instruction -- Do not read this letter unless I have died.
Jon Voight
Lee Purcell
Robert Davi
Restoration of the Flag
The Color Guard
Carnations were handed out to the audience and then later collected to be given to the Coast Guard to throw out into Santa Monica bay in honor of the men and women who have died for our country.
After the service we walked around to find some of the 14 Metal of Honor recipients who are interned at the Los Angeles National Cemetery. We found four.
Next year, I encourage you to attend services at your local national cemetery.
National Cemetery
Pictures of the grounds
Thank you to everyone who has given the ultimate sacrifice, a love one.