2008 had been a fantastic year!
I've had countless adventures I've experienced with family and friends, there was never a dull moment!
The top 10 most memorable moments of 200810. Meeting Ed Harris

Ed Harris was so nice to stop and talk to me and autograph my poster after the Q&A when I saw Appaloosa.
9. Meeting Patrick Wilson

Believe it or not, after I saw Phantom of the Opera, the first person I Googled was Patrick!
I can't wait to see Watchmen!
8. Meeting Danny Boyle

Slumbdog Millionare has all my support for it's Golden Globe nominations
Best Movie, Danny Boyle for Best Director
7. Going to the Nim's Island Premiere

The only photos I could take were outside, all of our cameras and cell phones had to checked in before we went inside the theater. I wish I had had it though, Gerard was great, he was the sweetest with the little girls we had brought, he autographed their Nim's Island books and took the time to answer all their questions. I don't know who was more thrilled, my niece's classmates or Gerard meeting his new fans.
6. Meeting Allan Rickman

I can't believe I met him! LOL!
My knees were shaking and I can't remember what I said to him.

5. Meeting Michael Fassbender

Michael was a thrill to meet and so generous with his time.
The Academy better not overlook his performance in Hunger!

4. Meeting James McAvoy

I still can't believe I told him I loved him! LOL!
3. Seeing Jeffrey at Comic Con

When Jeffrey was signing my Watchmen poster he said, "Hello! Nice to see you again!"
I'm going with that he remembered me when I met him at the PS I Love You Premiere after party and I told him I still haven't gotten over him dying in Grey's Anatomy. LOL! Then Jeffrey said, "Neither am I!" And then next thing I knew he was hugging me!
After the autograph signing Jeffrey was so sweet, even though the security guards were trying to whisk him away, he ignored them, wrapped his arm around me, and posed for the picture.
2. Seeing Gerard at Comic Con, how could I not? I was sitting in the second row!

Kisses are my favorite chocolate!
And the #1 most memorable moment in 2008 was...1. Talking with Gerard at the RocknRolla Premiere

Joy and Allen were trying to get him into the Escalade after the premiere, but he stopped to say hello even though he knew it would cause a flood of fans to ask him to stop for autographs and well wishes. He autographed my favorite picture from Comic Con talked to me for a bit.
Gerard said, "I never forget you"
I'm surprised I didn't faint and actually remember the conversation. He said goodbye and got into the Escalade.
I wish everyone a wonderful and safe holiday season!
Here's to 2009, the year has already started off well.